Sunday, November 25, 2007

part 2

The three guys were all out in the cockpit, tethered with safety harnesses. They stood one hour watches in rotation, being deluged with rain and ocean water. The boat would go up the 20' wave, struggling in the water, before it would pause and then surf down the back side. The motor labored hard as the helmsman tried to hold the wheel on course into the wind.

This went on and on without ceasing. Sixteen hours seemed an eternity. Finally, lack of rest, nourishment (2 crewmembers were seasick and held the bucket to use as needed when they were not on the wheel), the noise, and the total aloneness induced poor decisions.

The skipper decided to run with the wind, which meant turning off the engine and putting the stern into the wind. Under bare poles we made four knots! Two of the guys came inside to rest while the tape deck played Mozart. The calmness, without battling the seas, and the quiet without the engine's roar, made for a chance to sleep and refresh oneself.

To be continues...